If your product requires the use of micro-resistance welding technology and you need to produce in millions, you are in the right place.
micro-resistance welding
electrical tests
mechanical tests
machine vision for 100% camera quality control
marking / description
high number of carousel jobs
possibility of 100% automation
possibility of integration of manual operations
high productivity due to the work of all stations in a parallel process
possibility of full traceability of process and control results - database system
control on a clear touch LCD panel HMI
je registrovanou značkou společnosti ZLÍN ROBOTICS s.r.o.
ZLÍN ROBOTICS s.r.o.K Teplinám 619, 76315 Slušovice, Česká republika.CRN: 06594727, VAT Reg. No.: CZ06594727 Společnost zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Brně, spisová značka C103090
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