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Průmyslová robotická pracoviště

Robotic stands and columns

If you want to get the most out of your robot, you need quality fastening.

Our robotic columns and stands have an optimized design to maximize the use of your robot, its accuracy, load capacity and speed. It doesn't matter if you need to mount the robot on the floor, on the wall or on the ceiling of a robotic cell, our engineers will always help you find the best solution.

Without a quality and safe stand, there is no quality and safe robotic application

Advantages of ZR robotic columns:

  • quality materials

  • welded construction

  • high strength, durability and safety

  • optimization for the load and speed of the robot

  • vibration reduction for maximum robot accuracy

  • standard and specific design

  • color design according to customer requirements

Průmyslová robotická pracoviště
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+420 573 034 358

K Teplinám 619, 76315 Slušovice, Česká republika
IČO: 291 81241, DIČ: CZ291 81241
Společnost zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Brně, spisová značka C63717

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