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Camera control cells

Although "Quality should be produced, not controlled", few productions make this dream come true. Manual visual quality control is thus one of the most responsible operations in production.

Today's state of the art, where you can connect several cameras to all cameras for viewing from all sides, you can apply neutron networks and laser scanners, you can help a precision robot manipulate the camera over the product or the product in front of the cameras. ppm ”as a much more realistic matter.

Advantages of our camera control robotic cells:

  • modular design connectable to your existing production line or stand-alone cell

  • the possibility of using a 4-axis Scara robot or a 6-axis robot

  • possibility of automatic and manual loading of parts

  • possibility of 100% automation

  • possibility of full traceability in connection with marking

  • statistics and defect reports

  • control on a clear touch LCD panel HMI

  • possibility to integrate with product packaging

Průmyslová robotická pracoviště
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+420 573 034 358

K Teplinám 619, 76315 Slušovice, Česká republika.
CRN: 06594727, VAT Reg. No.: CZ06594727
Společnost zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Brně, spisová značka C103090

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